Tuesday, December 1, 2009


When I went to google with my Tech Blitz computer class we got to see amazing things. First we got to go to the lobby on the 3rd floor. Then our tour guide person showed us around. We went to the offices of where the people worked and some of them were advertisers and they helped some people. Then we saw the big board that had so many markers on it an you could write anything on it. We saw the snack room and then we went to the cafeteria. We saw a presentation from some of the google people and we saw some cool things about what you could do on google. After that we went to this room where some google people went and we could ask them any question we wanted too. Then after that we got to pick a drink and a snack to eat in the cafeteria but after that we had to go. You have to admit that was a cool fieldtrip to go to. I mean it's GOOGLE. How could you not be excited to go there?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Iphone Sparkle

Iphones are cool. Look at them sparkle. Cool huh. The iphones that sparkle. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Things

Suanny is very nice and very positive person and VERY funny. COOL COOL COOL:)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dangers of Blogging

Do you know the dangers of online blogging or bullying? I am here to tell you. If you wrote say something bad about something or someone on a website like facebook. That could be dangerous by that the other person could find out and you could get in some huge trouble. Or if you were bullying someone. If you were bullying someone online you could get arrested or you could hurt someones feelings. Even if you write something good about something there are consequences like someone could sue you if you write something about something that hasn't been realesed or submitted yet. Especially if you tell too much about yourself or negative things the person or thing could get a hold of it and do something especially if it was about them. Those are the dangers of cyber bullying or the dangers of blogging.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Related to iphones

My cousin has an iphone. His iphone was given to him by his older sister and my older cousin. His iphone is really cool. It has texting, calling, camera, and more. He uses it to call his friends or to go to the internet without going to an actual computer.Besides since he is 13 years old he is old enough to use the iphone with all those icons on it which is so cool to me. He gets all these amazing things on the iphone and i even get jealous sometimes because of how there are so many games on it and the texting on it and the calling. I don't know why I am jealous because I have my own phone that has texting, calling, games, music, and more. It's just so weird but I do kind of like the iphone.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who invented the iphone

Who invented the iphone????? I know. Steve Jobs invented the iphone. He is the head of the Apple company. Steve Jobs didn't do it by himself either. He had help from everyone who works at the apple company. The real name of the iphone is the Telipod. Some iphones could go up to cost 300$ depending on the company. The iphone was invented in the year 2008. Now the iphone is owened by many people. The iphone was originally for Taha Harb. On the iphone you could play videos, watch movies, check email,upload photos,texting,calling,internet, and camera.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An iphone is one of the most coolest phones ever.
That's at least what I think. The iphone affects my friend by that he could use it after
school because he brings it to school every single day and he always shows it to everybody.
The iphone can be usen in so many ways. For calling, internet, texting, and more.
I think the iphone is really cool and I think so do a lot of people.
The only thing I really don't like is that the people are making different
kinds of iphone everytime. It's O.K but I just don't like it so much.
That's why I like the iphone.